Monday, December 14, 2009


We are often told its confidence that makes a woman sexy. Regardless of size, stature, hair colour or personal style, if a woman is self assured, walks with a strut and is true to herself, men will find her desirable.

So why, once they have the woman who made them dribble with longing, are some men determined to rid her of the very thing that attracted them in the first place?

Its pretty obvious I here you say. They were attracted to her, so why would they then want her to continue to attract other men.

Alluring ways, such as wearing bright lipstick for instance, rarely have anything to do with attracting men, or keeping men for that matter. Its more a wash of confidence, a plate of armour to hide behind. Its war paint. Everyday that woman wakes up and goes through the motions of building up her confidence. She daubs her lips red and it helps, just a little. But the booster can be smeared just as easily as the lip colour.

I have a friend. She is beautiful and tender with a halo of wild blonde curls, topped off with the brightest of bright lipstick. On two occasions she has been told by the men she loves to get rid of the lipstick. The very men who were attracted too her sassy blood red lips simply turned around and criticise her for being, well - her.

She was once told by her man of the moment that he didn’t get why some people had low self-esteem, that he couldn’t comprehend how that could happen. In the company of close friends, as she stood before him in all her glory, he told them her lipstick was not worn for his benefit. Their friends were left with the clear knowledge he wasn’t a fan and the open ridicule smudged her well-placed veneer. Regardless, she remained quiet about his twice-daily ritual of smearing goo on his bald head in the desperate hope he would re-grow hair.

The main difference as I see it was she was compassionate to his insecurities, while he thought everything was about him. I would suggest the reason this man didn’t understand how people’s confidence could be shaken, was because he had been luckily never to have lost his heart to someone LIKE him.

So if you’re of the opposite sex and reading this… take note. The woman in the heels that elongate her legs and make her tits jiggle as she walks; the woman who wears plunging neck lines and short skirts; and the woman with the bright red lips, she does it not for you, but for herself. We all need a way to help us get through the day. This is hers; it is part of who she is. Leave it be.

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